Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Silver Lining...

Good evening Valley, a good evening indeed. I hope everyone's weekend was filled with fun, love, relaxation, and burritos. I hope people enjoyed those commercials, because I love them. If you don't think they're funny, you have a sense of humor similar to an infant who just had his pre-pumped breast milk spiked with scotch, and is passed out. Sorry to draw the infant parallel, what I meant was you suck if you don't like those commercials. Now onto the intended agenda.

How about this weekends NCAA tourney games!!!! If you couldn't guess or predict that sarcasm had infiltrated that last sentence, know that it did. There were 3 games that ended in ANY type of heightened excitement out of the 12 total. So, overall, very un-march madness like. But, if anyone watched the Villanova/Pitt game, it came close to making up for the rest. What a slug fest that was, and for two of my fellow Winonans a great day for their Alma Mater. It's easy to look at the collection of games and say "boring" but I believe there is a silver lining in the lack of suspense this past weekend. There just can't be enough said about how awesome Ty Lawson is. And as someone who has had a "turf toe" before I know it hurts him to do what he does out there. I mean, it effectively ended Deion Sanders' career. That injury is not to be messed with and he seems to have just shrugged it off. Not to mention the supporting cast he has is just cold...freezing cold. Blake Griffin is just a "manchild" he is very fun to watch and hitting his head on the backboard while dunking is just great, I hope he scars...big, tall, athletic...guy!!!! Villanova is so fun to watch, great D, good shooters, and great guard play. Watching them blow out Duke was just as good as watching them squeak one out last night. Kemble Walker for is a rising star and was great to watch for Uconn, they are going to tough to beat if Thabeet can stay out of foul trouble. But ultimately, UNC is really, really good and I personally think they'll win the whole thing. Now that leads me to my Final Four picks.

I had Memphis winning the whole thing and they let me down again. Impressive showing by Mizzou, I love the way they play. I also had Pitt going, as so did everyone else, but I was actually cheering for Villanova. 'Nova is way more fun to watch and I'm pumped they're playing UNC next weekend. I did have Michigan State and they proved me right in two impressive performances. Izzo is a baller. So I have UNC and Michigan State alive out of my Final Four and I didn't pick the winner as I had Memphis beating the Tar Heels. I'm not discouraged though, as I'm looking forward to the Final Four games. UNC will beat Uconn in the championship game...write it down.

He's back, and ringing the bell...
Luckily, I watched Tiger Woods today. I was paying attention to the tournament whis weekend and he started the day down 5 strokes. Guess what, he hit a 17 foot put on 18 to win it. I mean, how amazing is this guy. It never gets old. Even when you're expecting him to do it, it is still awesome. The cameras flashing, his reaction, the crowd's almost unlike golf. He is a spectacle and worth the price of admission. I was thinking earlier; even though I was cheering for him to make the put and win, I wouldn't have been upset if he missed it. I think the main reason for that is because it would bring his humanity down to a "more" human level. At any rate, it was awesome to watch, It's hard to imagine what golf is going to be like without Tiger and I'm just glad I don't have to know for a long time. Welcome back Eldridge....

I happened to notice that we've gone over 700 hits at the KValley Report. I am super amped and happy people keep reading. We have a lot of fun things planned and I hope that ideas from the Valley will help continue the string of fun we are hopefully putting together here. So I have a couple of fun things to end our talk this evening, so pay attention chumps!!

"Oh, We're heading for Venus, and still we stand tall.
Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all, yeah....
With so many light years to go, and things to be found, to be found....
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so....It's the final countdown!!!!"


Out like Pitt

If anyone out there has anything they think I should add or talk about please feel free to let me know at

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