Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perspectives from the other side of life...

Guten tag Valley!!!! That's German for "good day" for you inner city educated stiffs. It's Thursday morning, and it's going to be in the 80's here in Minneapolis today, let me give a big shot out to Mother Nature for that. Also, I stumbled across some funny news over the past week. It turns out someone from my previous employer goes blog surfing and found the KValley Report. Of course he noticed the information I leaked about that establishment's happenings, and from what I hear, some were not too thrilled. I won't apologize for reporting the truth but I can say that we LOVE the attention to the blog and keep the hits coming to the site!!! Now, get off the Internet and pick up some phone calls, people need to file some bankruptcies!! Also, on a completely unrelated topic, I worked out in a college weight room yesterday and I COMPLETELY forgot how hot college chicks are, big shot out. Those of you out of college, don't worry I think you're hot too :) I'm going to give some thoughts about a few current events in the sports world that I found rather fascinating...

Percy Harvin
Many of you may know this name, some may not. He is a football player who is about to get drafted by an NFL franchise this Saturday. He had a great career at Florida, even though we hate the Gators here at the KValley Report...remember that...and he is an electrifying athlete. I read today that he tested positive for marijuana when tested at the NFL combine in February. Alright, now I'm going to go off. You have got to be one of two things for this to have happen. First option is you are a complete moron. Second choice is you have a drug problem. And let be be one of the first few to tell you this, Percy, "The NFL teams you wish to pay you, aren't excited about either one of those options!!!!" This was a guy who was predicted to go in the top 15 picks in the draft and by doing so would have signed himself a contract that would have included 15 million dollars...guaranteed (approx). Instead, by dropping to the late part of the round he will likely lose at least half and maybe more. Before you laugh and say, "Who cares, he's still a darn millionaire", put it into perspective. If you knew that you would have to take a cut in pay by 1/2 at your job if you failed a drug test, would you even come close to risking it? No, exactly, you'd have to be a moron. Unless of course you have a drug problem, which is just as alarming and will cost you the same.

My perspective on this comes from just being an average guy with a brain. Percy knew he was taking a drug test, and he knew exactly when he would be taking it. Yet, he still got stoned with his boys putting that all at risk. I'm sorry, with the most important day of your young life looming, there is just no excuse for this. I wouldn't so much as have a soda pop if I knew that much money was on the line. That opportunity should be looked at as a privilege and respected more. Come on man!!!!!

Jimmy Smith
From a young idiot football player, to an old retired idiot football player. Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy. Turns out this great old Wide Receiver for the Jaguars just can't get right. He had drug problems before his career started, he had injuries, and a horrible beginning to his career in the early 1990's. But then he rebounded, got a chance, and made the most of it. The man had over 12,000 yards receiving and ranks 15th all time in that category. Great career. Wednesday, he was pulled over for driving with illegally tinted windows in Jacksonville (in Florida those windows need to be darn near opaque to get pulled over for that). What happened next I have copied and pasted the exact wording from below:

The trooper reported that the inside of the car smelled like burnt marijuana. During a search, the trooper found crack cocaine, marijuana and a business card with powder cocaine residue in the car's center console.

Well that's quite the round-up of party favors for old Jimmy. Now, many of you know me and know that I'm no angel. But goodness gracious. You have gotta have some type of problems to be rolling around that dirty. I mean crack?? I heard it's an awesome high, but that's about as low as it gets on the drug totem pole, or close. That is a billboard on your forehead telling everyone you've lost it. This guy has been to rehab before and clearly needs more guidance. I'm not sure he's willing to comply but I hope the legal system doesn't just let him off because he was able to afford a good lawyer. This man is a danger to others and to himself. As a former Wide Receiver, I loved watching Jimmy play. He wasn't the biggest, or the fastest but he ran great routes and made plays. I was pretty bummed when I saw this and thought that if this was me, I'd be heading straight to the clinic to check myself in. Grab a hold of yourself Jimmy, it's embarrassing.

Jeremy Tyler
Most probably haven't heard this name, and neither had I until today. This kid is 17 years old and a junior in high school. Here's where it gets interesting; Jeremy is 6'11" and he's leaving HIGH SCHOOL early to play pro basketball in Europe. This kid will not be completing his high school diploma before he plays basketball for money. And you thought KG, Kobe, and Lebron were sweet. At first when I read this, I wondered, "What are this kids parents doing, hanging out with Percy Harvin and Jimmy Smith??" But then I thought some more and looked at it from the kid's perspective. And I'm hoping that this is mostly his perspective and not his handlers'. If I'm good enough to get paid,and I want to become the best basketball player I can before I'm eligible to be drafted in the NBA, where is the best place for me? Is it really in college where I'm required to go to class and study things that i don't care about and won't be studying after my 1 year is up and i can enter the draft? Is it staying and finishing High School with those players and that competition even before college? I may side with the kid on this one. I'm not saying I would do the same, because I love college sports, but from that side of things he's got a point. In Europe they do this all the time, and even here in sports like tennis or golf. It's just not the norm whatsoever, so it really struck me.

Honestly, could you imagine leaving you high school early to play pro sports...or better yet, on topic, could you imagine being 17 years old and going to freaking Europe to live on your own? I am an advocate for college for many things, academia is somewhere on the list, but the rest is about growing up and figuring out life. College is a great "middle earth" if you will in that process. I hope this kid has the soul to handle the money and lifestyle he will be taking on. and I hope it works out well and we see him in the NBA soon. They say he's probably going to Spain, and I hear the women in Spain are he's got that going for him, which is nice.

leaving my 20's
This weekend will be the last weekend of my 20's. It has been a crazy ride, but I'm certainly looking forward to my 30's. After all, it is a fact that 30 is the new 20. Plus I have all my hair, it's not gray, and my boyish good looks are unmistakable....haha I'm looking forward to a great weekend seeing a lot of friends and family, and I wish the Valley a great weekend as well.

"I'm going to keep it going Big Tymer you heard me, hey, I got cake like everyday's my birthday. Wait, I don't think they heard me, I said I got cake like everyday's my BIRTHDAY!" ~Angel food please.......................

REMEMBER: get your top 15 picks for the NFL Draft Pick'em into the before 3pm Friday April 24th. That is is you feel you'd have anything to say to the Valley!!!

Out like Saturday night!!!

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