Friday, April 17, 2009

Analyzing season change...

Alright, here are the facts: I'm a little bit buzzed, I've dated some questionable women, and so have you (or men if you're gay or a girl). With that as the platform, lets move on. It's over 70 degrees here in Minneapolis, MN and it's beautiful. I've just left the grand establishment that is Stella's, where I took down 12 oysters, 1/2 pound of Louisiana shrimp, 2 Cajun chicken tacos, and 5 Blue Moon drafts. Along with that I happened to be seated next to internationally known "Polow Big". He's a hip-hop artist and he told me all about himself. He even pulled a recent Album out of his pocket, showed me the cover and read me the names of some songs (they were ill, believe me), but wouldn't give it to me. And Valley, I certainly tried to cop that CD!!! He told me a website where I could hear some of his stuff. I went and listened and it's garbage. I will give him credit for knowing who Spice 1, E-40, and Young Bleed were, but that's about it. He was nice, and pretty normal, but he asked to get his shrimp microwaved for 3 minutes and was shot down emphatically by the super-white bar tender. He hasn't quite reached Snoop Dogg status...apparently. Anyway, that's what it's like if you're rollin' with me on a Friday afternoon; great food, alcohol, and hip-hop superstars...I'm going to turn back on my Robin Thicke now...

Seeing all the lovelies out on this fine afternoon reminded me of a favorite pastime of mine. Let me share. When I was in college I ate at the cafeteria a lot. And in this cafeteria, many lovely young ladies found sustenance as well. Here in the north interesting things happen with this case study. While I continued to work out on a daily basis because I had no choice in college, many of these nice young ladies did not have to do so. But what they did do was treat themselves to the soft-serve ice cream the cafeteria. An amazing thing happens over the course of a winter...fatness. And the true test is on days like today when the weather finally hits that point where is acceptable and warranted to pull out the tank tops, skirts, and sun dresses, etc. I remember seeing shorts that had no business being on, I remember seeing tank tops with the arm pit flab hanging out of the sides, and I remember seeing a lot of white skin...too much in fact. Guess what, I saw some of that today too. But I will give some props to the women of Uptown Minneapolis, they represented pretty well for the most part. I would suggest a bit more of the tanning booth, but I haven't hit that joint in a hot minute either, so I can't say much. Stay away from the ice cream, and keep hitting those crunches much love.

Man I love it when winter rides the heck out of town. Warmth is so great, and if you can think of some things that aren't sweet about warmth, then you're thinking too hard and not concentrating on the obvious luxuriousness of being warm and other warm things..........for example, how about when your just a little bit chilled and you're heading to the car that has been sitting in the sun all afternoon and you get in and it's toasty enough to warm you right up. Don't tell me you don't love that Valley...don't even start. Or how about when it's warm enough at the park, beach, street festival, or whatever for people to take their shirts off?? Obviously I think it's d-bag as all get out if a dude takes his shirt off on the street but otherwise, if he's good looking, I bet the ladies like it. And, I know I like it when ladies take their shirts off to reveal the bikini top on under their shirt....yeeeeahhh buddy!! don't tell me being warm isn't sweet. What about when you're a little chilled because the bedroom window is open and you get under the covers with your sweetie and do a little spooning as your eye lids set like the sun...? Well, now we're getting down right hot, so I'll back off. But I hope you get the point....cheers to warmth.

I gotta say that I also love it because the gym clears out when the weather gets nicer. A lot less of the morons in jeans and button down short sleeve linen shirts doing the bench press. Hopefully less of the foreigners who never bothered to find out how things work in the gyms here. For instance, putting the weights back on the racks when you're done using them, instead of laying them all down on the ground where people walk...idiots. Don't get me wrong, I welcome everyone from all lands to work out and make themselves healthier. Just be courteous enough to not act like a d-bag in the gym. And those jeans player?? Put on some shorts partner....But mostly, it's nice because when it gets nice outside people do things outside and it makes my workout way more efficient. I like to do things outside too, but the lifting part is an inside workout and the less population the better.

For all my city people, How much better is it eating outside on the sidewalk at particular establishments?? I'd like to take this time to tell you Chicago, how much I miss you. Chicago, don't think I left you because you were crazy and jealous, and acted ill towards me, it wasn't that, I promise. Things in life just changed so I had to roll with the punches. But Minneapolis has some places you would love too. That doesn't mean I don't miss you everyday, and especially days like today. Murphy's Bleachers, I see you and I envisioned being with you today during the Cubs game. Waterhouse, you know I miss you, one of my neighborhood's hide-outs. Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba...the escargot is singing like angels to me in my dreams!!! Minneapolis, stand up!! Stella's Oyster orgy, the rooftop in the sun with the downtown view, Drink rooftop I see your fine booty, Sneaky Pete's patio with the fire place. NYC, you didn't think you'd get a shot out did you, but I'll give a shot to all of Little Italy with the "Godfather" theme music playing, the olive oil and bread, and I can't forget the wine...I know most everyplace has their examples and there is nothing like being able to eat outside, enjoy the weather and food all at the same time....Big shots to everyone making that possible.

Last but not least; EVERYBODY better get their mock NFL drafts for the first 15 picks into me for the contest, or I'll have to quit the blog for lack of participation. This will be fun, and I promise that you may not have much to say in general with your sorry butts, but with a platform, you'll find plenty more to talk about. Just like how I know Hooper would rave about how the Denver Nuggets are such a terrible organization, or how John Elway is the best QB of all time. And I'm sure I'd have to hear from several of my Wisconsin bred folk about some lame Badger/Packer talk. But hey, I'm all gravy about it all if you can lock down the first 15 picks in this year's NFL see the email on the side of the blog, get it done.

And for a special treat I have something that may be a bit premature, but along with the theme for the day, please watch the video below and just enjoy.....

"Just a little something to break the monotony..."

Out like freezing rain

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