Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a hard knock life...

The truth of it all is that it really is a "hard knock life". It is cliche, but the thing about many cliches is, that they are cliche for a reason and my example is no different. Life isn't easy and it can get you down from all angles. This is one reason I am sure that the Big Guy up stairs provided for minds to create things like sports and entertainment. You all know my affinity for sports is next to none, but don't discount some other form of entertainment from catching your eye and ear every now and then.

Tonight I saw "Annie" at the Orpheum theater here in Minneapolis. Now for those that know me, you all know I love the movie "Annie". It all started because my sister's name is Anne so I've been watching it since I was young, and I enjoy the show and music. I enjoy going to a musical or play whenever possible, and this was a great show. Here's the part that makes it a little more interesting. I had a date. It may be nothing more than that, but regardless, the first date I had with this girl was Friday the 13th on the weekend of Valentine's day and I took her to see "Annie". My man Akon says in a song with Rick Ross, "....don't cross that line, hoping you don't cross that line...". First date on Valentine's weekend is pretty close to crossing that line, but it wasn't like that. I mean don't get me wrong I definitely pulled the "yawn and stretch" move to put my arm around her and I was definitely making out during intermission, but I mean I'm not the type of guy to kiss and tell so.............................

Alright, I was kidding about that last part, it was a cool night, cool show, but nothing to run home and write in your blog at 1:54am. (clear throat). But that brings me to my next topic. What is the right move on the first date? And I'm asking because it usually comes down to the guy and what he decides to do. Now, the obvious answer is "it depends". Well, no kidding. Obviously, if you're both bombed and still hanging out at 1am, you're either making out at the bar on the dance floor with "Ain't no fun" blasting from the DJ booth, or getting a cab back to the chosen destination for some heavy petting. And on the contrary, you can just tell when it's "junk yard dog" and not going anywhere. That's one of those times when you're thinking as fast as you can how you can excuse yourself to go home and leave by saying, "I'll call you tomorrow, sorry, but I gotta go" Ahhh, yeah, what I actually meant was, "I'm leaving, this sucks, you are janky, and I'm doing the opposite of calling you tomorrow." What I'm actually wondering about is; if the night's good, the vibe is cool, nobody's trashed, and the night is ending at her doorstep or sidewalk...what do you do?

Let me tell you what I did, and we can see if you agree. Or if nobody's reading this, then I'll just pretend this is my journal entry but posted on the world wide web for everyone to read. We talked for a bit and said it would be fun to hang out again. It seemed genuine, so we hugged and the kiss was touching parts of lips but kind of on the cheek too. So, it wasn't a totally innocent cheek kiss, but it wasn't lip locking either. I gotta say I just didn't know so I stayed on the side of caution, which I think is completely due to the fact that I wasn't drunk. She wasn't too bad either so I don't think it was a bad move. It could have been the perfect move, or it could have been not enough, you just never know. Check that, you usually end up knowing if you hang out again or not, so I guess we'll see. So, what does everyone think? What would you have done? I will accept real answers or totally out of line obnoxious answers as well. We like directed, funny nonsense here. If anyone has anything to say about this topic or any unrelated interesting topic to share with The KValley Report, feel free to email me at

For all my advocates of "Take your boyfriend to a sporting event he wants to go to, day", you'll be glad to know, I didn't buy any flowers, cards, jewelry, or candy...that would have definitely crossed the line for a first date, not to mention the principle of not falling for the V-day curse. Speaking of V-day, gentlemen, PLEASE remember what a friend of yours and mine, Lil Wayne, stated in a recent billboard hit:

"Safe sex is great sex, you better wear a latex, cuz you don't want that late text, that 'I think I'm late' text... so wrap it up"

-Out like the sun at night....but it's coming out tomorrow, just ask Annie........

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