Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gun "shots" rang out like a bell.....

Happy Flag Day Valley!!! I'm excited to buck some shots in today's conversation. You know how on the radio or in blogs, people give "shout" outs? Well, I'm switching it up a bit. Here on the Report, we're going to give "shot" outs. Mainly because it sounds cooler, and we're all about making things cooler here in the Valley...why do you think we like to get our groove on down here in the shade between the hills.....marinate on that for a little bit.

Tonight there will be no shot outs to Milwaukee Bucks fans, so take the antlers off fellas....seriously, take the antlers off. Shot to Big Perm. We will also give a shot to Lebron James for what he did to the Bucks the other night, peep this. Good gracious.

Shot to Petey for admitting that he's got a soft side and letting me know that one of his favorite songs is Madonna's "This used to be my playground". Now, I'm definitely more of an Eightball & MJG "Coming out hard" or Nate Dogg's "Hardest Man", but I have to admit that sometimes I like to slow it down, you know mostly for the ladies. When I do, it's not totally out of the picture that some of this makes its way onto my playlist.

Buck buck, Big Lube. I have been watching ESPN lately, I mean after all, I am human...So everyone knows they've been doing this Mt. Rushmore topic. It's where people vote for who would be the "Mt. Rushmore of sports" for each individual state. I kind of thought this was a corny idea, and while I love Rick Reilly, he can annoy me. But since we're going to discuss it, let's go with a few of my thoughts. I love that Jackie Robinson was on 2 states' list. This guy was unreal, and a great icon for America. The fact that Florida put Tim Tebow on their list above Emmitt Smith shows why I left that state...LOTS of idiots. And yes, I'm speaking to ALL the UF fans. Go Noles. Now, if that video doesn't do it for you, then you are no friend of mine. I will give you my personal Minnesota "Mt Rushmore of sports" there was certainly thought put into this list and if you wanna read about any of these to find out what they did, google rules.
1. Bronco Nagurski
2. Herb Brooks
3. Kirby Puckett
4. Kevin Garnett
5. Paul Giel....yes he was from the Valley.

Current event time. Pitt just got named #1 for this week in college basketball, and guess what just happened 4 minutes ago? They lost at Providence, thanks for playing. But the NCAA Tourney is right around the corner and I'm really excited for it. I watched Oklahoma/Kansas last night and that was a bomb-tastic game. lots of HUGE 3's in the last few minutes by both teams. Obviously, Blake Griffin was out, so chalk it up for Oklahoma. Not having the best player in the country in your line-up hurts, sorry Kansas. Stro, stop "Rock-Chalk-Jayhawking" in your computer chair, it was an asterisk win.

Alright, let us touch on a subject that is near and dear to all of us: Canadian Bacon. The fact is this, IT'S NOT BACON. It's ham. I don't care how cool Canada thinks they are, they're not. Everyone else knows that the only reason they get to do things that they want to do is because geography has blessed them with our border. If it wasn't for the United States Gangsters throwing down on the biggest baddest army on the planet (British) they would have an even lamer accent than they already do up there. I know that President Obama has talked about the flaws in NAFTA, and I say "Heck Yeah!!" I mean the fact that all over America you got people calling ham "Canadian bacon" is just about as infuriating as the fact that hockey exists. People may be thinking that this is no big deal, bacon and ham both come from a pig, blah blah blah. But, here in America we have a way of letting people know we won't be pushed around...except when Bill Clinton was in office, but I digress. You want examples? How about, you bomb our naval base and we invade 2 continents on opposite sides of the planet and whip some major booty, drop some nukes, and drink all your wine. Not good enough? How about you fly planes into our buildings, and we blast your mountains for 8 years and counting. Then, we invade a country who didn't even bomb us but we didn't like them and needed to do a little more intimidating. Am I starting to make my point?? Let's just say that if I don't start hearing a lot more "ham" coming out of your maple leaf, there may be a stray laser guided missile that heads up near Wayne Gretzky's summer home....straighten up and fly right Canada. Big shot Big Perm.

Whew, I'm glad we got that out of the way. It was fun to cover a wide range of subjects, and no matter what we talk about you know you're going to get some sweet, smooth musical genius. Tonight is no different. We're going to slow it down tonight, Madonna and Foreigner got me in the mood...

"It's late in the evening, and she's wondering what clothes to wear. She puts on her make-up, and brushes her long blonde hair. And then she asks me, 'Do I look alright'. And, I say 'Yes' (Valley), you look wonderful tonight..."

Out like T-Mac


1 comment:

  1. Canada- a parasite to the USA 250, years and counting.

    What's the haps on St. Patty's?
