Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You just gotta LOVE this.

I was forwarded a commercial that aired a few years ago, and one that I have never seen. I don't care if you're a basketball fan or not, you must have some love for not me chumps, Michael Jordan :) And for those of us who grew up watching his Airness, man this is lovely, just lovely....Big shot to Netter for showing me the light.......

Out like Craig Ehlo....


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gun "shots" rang out like a bell.....

Happy Flag Day Valley!!! I'm excited to buck some shots in today's conversation. You know how on the radio or in blogs, people give "shout" outs? Well, I'm switching it up a bit. Here on the Report, we're going to give "shot" outs. Mainly because it sounds cooler, and we're all about making things cooler here in the Valley...why do you think we like to get our groove on down here in the shade between the hills.....marinate on that for a little bit.

Tonight there will be no shot outs to Milwaukee Bucks fans, so take the antlers off fellas....seriously, take the antlers off. Shot to Big Perm. We will also give a shot to Lebron James for what he did to the Bucks the other night, peep this. Good gracious.

Shot to Petey for admitting that he's got a soft side and letting me know that one of his favorite songs is Madonna's "This used to be my playground". Now, I'm definitely more of an Eightball & MJG "Coming out hard" or Nate Dogg's "Hardest Man", but I have to admit that sometimes I like to slow it down, you know mostly for the ladies. When I do, it's not totally out of the picture that some of this makes its way onto my playlist.

Buck buck, Big Lube. I have been watching ESPN lately, I mean after all, I am human...So everyone knows they've been doing this Mt. Rushmore topic. It's where people vote for who would be the "Mt. Rushmore of sports" for each individual state. I kind of thought this was a corny idea, and while I love Rick Reilly, he can annoy me. But since we're going to discuss it, let's go with a few of my thoughts. I love that Jackie Robinson was on 2 states' list. This guy was unreal, and a great icon for America. The fact that Florida put Tim Tebow on their list above Emmitt Smith shows why I left that state...LOTS of idiots. And yes, I'm speaking to ALL the UF fans. Go Noles. Now, if that video doesn't do it for you, then you are no friend of mine. I will give you my personal Minnesota "Mt Rushmore of sports" there was certainly thought put into this list and if you wanna read about any of these to find out what they did, google rules.
1. Bronco Nagurski
2. Herb Brooks
3. Kirby Puckett
4. Kevin Garnett
5. Paul Giel....yes he was from the Valley.

Current event time. Pitt just got named #1 for this week in college basketball, and guess what just happened 4 minutes ago? They lost at Providence, thanks for playing. But the NCAA Tourney is right around the corner and I'm really excited for it. I watched Oklahoma/Kansas last night and that was a bomb-tastic game. lots of HUGE 3's in the last few minutes by both teams. Obviously, Blake Griffin was out, so chalk it up for Oklahoma. Not having the best player in the country in your line-up hurts, sorry Kansas. Stro, stop "Rock-Chalk-Jayhawking" in your computer chair, it was an asterisk win.

Alright, let us touch on a subject that is near and dear to all of us: Canadian Bacon. The fact is this, IT'S NOT BACON. It's ham. I don't care how cool Canada thinks they are, they're not. Everyone else knows that the only reason they get to do things that they want to do is because geography has blessed them with our border. If it wasn't for the United States Gangsters throwing down on the biggest baddest army on the planet (British) they would have an even lamer accent than they already do up there. I know that President Obama has talked about the flaws in NAFTA, and I say "Heck Yeah!!" I mean the fact that all over America you got people calling ham "Canadian bacon" is just about as infuriating as the fact that hockey exists. People may be thinking that this is no big deal, bacon and ham both come from a pig, blah blah blah. But, here in America we have a way of letting people know we won't be pushed around...except when Bill Clinton was in office, but I digress. You want examples? How about, you bomb our naval base and we invade 2 continents on opposite sides of the planet and whip some major booty, drop some nukes, and drink all your wine. Not good enough? How about you fly planes into our buildings, and we blast your mountains for 8 years and counting. Then, we invade a country who didn't even bomb us but we didn't like them and needed to do a little more intimidating. Am I starting to make my point?? Let's just say that if I don't start hearing a lot more "ham" coming out of your maple leaf, there may be a stray laser guided missile that heads up near Wayne Gretzky's summer home....straighten up and fly right Canada. Big shot Big Perm.

Whew, I'm glad we got that out of the way. It was fun to cover a wide range of subjects, and no matter what we talk about you know you're going to get some sweet, smooth musical genius. Tonight is no different. We're going to slow it down tonight, Madonna and Foreigner got me in the mood...

"It's late in the evening, and she's wondering what clothes to wear. She puts on her make-up, and brushes her long blonde hair. And then she asks me, 'Do I look alright'. And, I say 'Yes' (Valley), you look wonderful tonight..."

Out like T-Mac


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Duck, duck, GRAYDUCK!!!!

Hey Valley!!! Who are the ballers now, "Whordis!!!" Alright, inside joke. If you haven't seen the movie "Baller Blockin'", you're really missing out...on second thought, you're not don't watch it. Today has been a pretty solid day for me. I'm not going to go into details, but it was solid. I didn't win 1 billion dollars, so not that good. But, I didn't get my leg blown off digging for diamonds in Africa either, so all in all I'm thankful. After work I went to the gym and did some more work. Luckily, some college basketball showed up on the tube. Duke vs. St Johns, it's actually still on now. And, OF COURSE, between lifts I see a terrible charge called that went in Duke's favor. And, I got so worked up that this blog post was born. Please enjoy, disagree, or say "Heck yeah" out loud for the next few minutes as you read 3 of my least favorite things in sports.

I. Charging fouls in basketball
I know there will be a lot of agreeing with this, and that is because referees in basketball have become blinded by some made up glory to taking a charge. There should be two kinds of charges called. One where you're standing there for about 5 seconds and a guy comes down and runs you over on the way to the hoop, or when you're playing good defense, and a guy just lowers a shoulder and plays "dump truck" with you. That's it. But I swear to Joshua, Coach K convinced the refs to call these horrible fouls because his guys aren't as athletic and should somehow be rewarded for standing there and making it look like they are playing good D. Now, Coach K is awesome, don't confuse what I'm saying. and Duke isn't the only team doing it now, THEY ALL ARE. It has become a trend worse than trying to grow a mustache if you really can't or those gross tight jeans that you're supposed to sag a little bit. Any gay men out there know what I'm talking about. (I highly doubt any gay men are reading this, but "big ups" if you are). Anyway, I'm trying to say it's awful, at every level. Now, I'll bullet point the main reasons why.
Hollow tip bullet #1. It rewards players for being less athletic. I guess I'm not sure why those players should be rewarded, Instead of having to jump and challenge a player and risk a foul, this call allows them to move slightly to one side, stand there and get run over with the outcome being positive for them....garbage. Hollow tip bullet #2. The idea of taking a charge is teaching people to be in position and holding their ground. But, it has evolved into just turn around and see if you can catch someone while they're about to jump so they can't avoid you and trick the ref into making it look like you've been standing there. It is teaching lazy defense, in my opinion. If guys can count on being able to bail themselves out of getting into a spot where they are over matched by standing and falling down, that is junk and not in the spirit of the rule. Not only that but it promotes the total opposite of what we are taught about playing defense "move your feet". Hollow tip bullet #3. Flopping. I don't even have to say much more than that. these jag offs are out here falling down for no reason. I blame the foreign players, Vlade Divac mostly. And, I blame the refs for allowing this nonsense to happen. Nobody, let me repeat, NOBODY should be rewarded for falling down on purpose in basketball. Hollow tip bullet #4. These idiots are going to hurt someone out there, and for certain, already have. running up under a guy while he's taking off trying to make a great athletic play, is dangerous and wussy-cat. I wish there could be basketball reform for this rule, and if I can send this to someone important I will. But that's a pipe dream so until then, we can keep complaining about it.

II. Women announcing men's sports.
Now, let me take some time to set this up and get a few things straight. I don't dislike women reporters, ESPN Anchors, athletes, or any women themselves. What I dislike is a woman or women actually calling a men's game. Now, after my clarification, if you want to say that's sexist, fine. But it literally drives me bonkers to listen to it. There is one example I can think of. Just one. Only having one example is not quality arguing and it may be on the account that it infuriates me to the point I cannot think about anything else whatsoever. My example is Pam Ward. Now, Pam may be a great woman, great friend, great mother, great everything. She may even be great at her job, but that job should not be calling a college football game. I have no ill will towards her personally, I just can't stand it when I have to turn on a game and hear her. We all know she didn't play football ever. If she did, it doesn't count. Kind of like those chicks we all had try out for 6th grade doesn't work out. Not only that, but I've heard her a number of times cross from doing play by play to offering an opinion. I'm holding back what I really want to say, but let's just go with, "please don't do that Pam." One time, and I'm not exaggerating, I turned on Iowa vs. Penn State and got the Pam Ward team. There was a play in the game (I won't go into detail because it's irrelevant) that Pam didn't understand. I know she didn't understand because she proceeded to argue with the color guy about whether or not it was the right play by the coach. It got so awkward that the sideline reporter, who was a former football player, chimed in to agree with Pam's partner. I lost count of how many times I said "shut up" out loud. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Oh by the way, the coach made the right call. It was at the very end of a close game and Iowa ended up winning as a result. I know that is only one example, but that example stands as the foundation of why there should be no women calling a men's game. It didn't matter if she was right or wrong, and lets be honest, there are a lot of terrible announcers out there who are men. It just happened to be that she was a woman, and no women play football. It's that simple. Am I right? I don't even think that my position is right, I just can't freaking help it. I'm all for equality, so if that means no men call women's games, fine....exactly, I don't hear any complaining about that. Having said all that, I would like there to be an asterisk to this conversation. Pat Summit can do whatever she wants. I figure since #1, I like her and #2, she's done more in sports than any of the people reading this blog have done, or will ever do combined, she's earned that right. But other than that...I'd rather listen to the crowd noise and nothing else than the Pam Wards of the sports world.

III. Old man haters who are trying to ruin TD celebrations.
Please enjoy the following before moving on with the rest:

Now, If you didn't like that TD celebration, then stop reading right now. Seriously, stop reading. I don't want you to read anymore....Alright, I'm assuming if you still reading, that you thought that was the bomb. Thank you, because it was. And if you have ever seen an old Miami Hurricane video tape, you'll continue reading with a smile about how sweet TD celebrations used to be. I think the current clamps are ridiculous and just plain stupid. Okay, I don't think you should be able to taunt someone else during the celebration, I don't think you should be able to pretend to shoot someone or other violent theater, but I sure as Hades think you should be able to use the ball as a prop!!!! I'll say the same for using other players or props as well. It's fun, the game is fun, people go to the game to have fun, they make rules so the offense can score so people think it's more fun, they serve beer at the games so it's more fun, cheerleaders wear next to nothing so it's more I making my point pretty clear???? Man, the people making decisions just have no clue. And the game that was handed to them is so awesome, they don't have to do anything to keep it making bajillions of dollars. But these rules are just pointless and honestly, make the game stink a little bit more. It really does make it less fun for me to watch, even though I still do. If I could say how stupid I think these restrictions are and make your Lord and Savior hear it, I would. It's just pathetic. On that note, please enjoy...

There you have it, my first installation of sport pet peeves. I'm sure there will be more. If you have any you think should be talked about you know where to send them. If you don't it's: hard telling what kind of mood we're all in after all that but I think this will do just fine...

"Called up the homies and I'm axing ya'll, 'which park are ya'll playing basketball.' Get me on the court and I'm trouble, last week messed around and got a triple-double. Freaking brothers every way like MJ I can't believe, today was a good day"

Out like snap bracelets...


Monday, February 16, 2009

Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy

Much love Valley.


What's up Valley?!?! It goes without saying that most of our lives revolve around sports, in one way or another. There will be a lot of "holleration" about different topics in sports on here and This is certainly one of those blog entries. We will cover a number of topics today, I will give my opinion, I will ask for thoughts from the readers, and we'll see if I can get my first email at

1. Vikings starting QB in 2009; should be Jeff Garcia. Last year, while playing for the Bucs, Garcia had a 90.2 passer rating, as opposed to Big Ben's 80.1. Garcia had a completion percentage of 64.9%, compared to 66.8% for Peyton Manning. Mr. Garcia also had 1 more rushing yard that Donovan McNabb and averaged .4 more yards per carry at 4.2. Now, I just picked a few solid starting QB's, each have been to or won a Super Bowl, and compared Garcia's stats. And to give you an idea of his supporting cast in comparison, well there isn't a comparison. Garcia's best offensive threat was making toothpick sculptures for the last couple years before blowing up for the Bucs (Antonio Bryant). This guy has gone around the league and done nothing but win. He is aging, but of all the aging QB's (Gus F is in that group) he keeps himself in impeccable shape, and has shown few signs of breaking down. I think he is just a 2 year type of QB for the Vikes, but this is a team that is ready to win now, and Garcia "wins now" everywhere he goes. Not to mention, we can basically tell him he'll start, we have a solid back-up in Jackson, who will get better, but the Vikes cannot rely on Jackson to take them deep in the playoffs and to the Super Bowl. How did that turn out last year? In case you forgot he was benched after week 2. Of course there is the familiarity between Garcia and Chilly. While I'll be the first to say I think Childress has been a GREAT disappointment, maybe having a QB that can make a few more plays will help the play calling. I don't buy that argument at all, but who knows. Today Garcia was told he's not part of the plans for the Bucs, come Feb 27th, He should be the plan for the Vikes.

2. The 2009 Dunk Contest; was a disgrace. I'm not saying the dunks were no good, because there were some great dunks, except I'm not thinking of any dunk that the winner of the contest made. First, Rudy Fernandez was JACKED by what I can only assume is an American bias. I find this funny, however since he was voted into the contest by the fans. Shame on the judges for not giving him better marks on his dunks. I can't remember for sure but I think Nate Robinson scored better for jumping off someone's back that Rudy did for both his dunks, and both were FAR more difficult. People, you want to know how I can dunk? I jump off something higher than the ground. Sweet dunk Nate, sweet job judges. And to further that, Dwight Howard let Nate Robinson use him as a prop for a dunk. I realize it's all fun, but his competition offered to help him out and Nate went to jump over him. Now that's where the coolness stops. Nate can jump so he got up as high as he could and then totally shoved off of Dwight Howard's shoulder and used that to clear the 6'10" Howard. Meanwhile Howard brought out a 12 foot hoop (pretty creative), and threw a ball off the side of the backboard and jammed it from WAY behind his head (much higher degree of difficulty that Nate's garbage). I blame the judges for rewarding that nonsense, and part of that is leading me to my next point. Why in the name of the Knoppfather would you have judges judge the entire contest and then leave the final decision up to an online vote from America?? I would think the right way to go is the way it's done EVERY YEAR! or let America vote for every dunk and forget the judges. I just think it was a really terrible ending to an event that is very awesome. Can't wait for Lebron next year. What do you bet Nate Robinson doesn't try to defend his title???

3. 2 Sundays ago, Lebron faced off against Kobe on ABC; And in Minneapolis, on Comcast Cable, we had a FREAKING HOCKEY GAME ON. Now if people want to chime in and defend hockey, I'll put 5 fingers to your face at a later time. But let me be clear: This Comcast Cable, is hate mail. You have got to be kidding the be-jesus out of me. The Minnesota Wild were on ABC here, and i'm not sure how. Don't they have VS TV to be on, or can't Fox Sports North cover that noise?? I seriously can't believe this happened, and I'm not even going to spend much time on it because it is just too horrible. I don't even care about NBA regular season, I rarely watch it until the playoffs. But Kobe vs. Lebron??? I'll watch that. Shame on you Minnesota, Comcast, Al Franken, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and Brock Lesnar for allowing this to happen.

4. A-rod took steroids; And so did all the rest of you yahoos, only none of you are good enough or big enough for MLB to leak the news that you or your buddy tested positive as well. Now, it's a bummer that this is true, I think he was an idiot for doing it, and I'm pretty sure he's going to suffer repercussions. But I'm kind of sick of all this chirping from people about he's tainted, his numbers shouldn't count, he's not getting into the hall of fame...etc. Look, the whole game is tainted. Two of the best hitters of all time juiced, and arguably the best pitcher ever got burned lying. Or, he is about to get burned. But yet more people want to go to games, and the game is healthier now than ever before. As far as I'm concerned, A-rod was a hall-of-famer before and after he admitted to taking steroids, same for Bonds. They have done crazy things with a baseball bat and A-rod isn't close to done yet. I'm here to proclaim that I don't care who took steroids because a boatload of people did it. It was a part of the game, and the game itself fostered this. Yes, people have free will and many chose to take the high road...but what is the high road? If you're a middle of the road reliever and using allowed you to stay healthy and employed for 10 years instead of 5, thereby allowing you to retire in much better shape financially than otherwise, all the while taking better care of your family?? Are you going to tell that guy he made a bad decision? What would you do? Anyway, I hope they clear the drugs up, but the chances are not good. Drugs are getting better, and the money is only getting bigger. Basically, get used to understanding that performance enhancing drugs are here to stay. And in case I'm mistaken, they don't make a bad player good, so just enjoy the game if you're a fan and come to grips with the rest of it.

5. Saturday college hoops; was just wham blamtastic. Yes, I just made that up, and I meant it. Arizona knocking of UCLA in a great and crazy fun game to watch. Jodie Meeks losing is mind, AGAIN. Blake Griffin and Hasheem Thabeet with 23 and 25 boards respectively, and Griffin going for 40 points as well. Big loss in Jerome Dyson for UCONN, hopefully he can get back for the tourney. And, I know this wasn't Saturday but Luke Harangody had 32 and 17 in a big upset of Louisville. Monster games all over. Syracuse/GT was another awesome game to watch, thank heavens some dip-stick didn't decide we would get a Flyers/Penguins game instead!!! Unfortunately our Gophers lost a tough one on the road. It doesn't help when you can't take care of the ball or shoot. But Devoe Joseph did fine a bit of flame and shot the ball great in the second half. That was a nice sign for the youngster, but getting his pocket picked after dribbling around for 10 minutes with less than a minute left sort of drained all the goodwill. I just love it when every game I turn on I get to see awesome basketball, and it makes me very excited for about a month from now when I'm calling in sick for the first Friday of the tourney!!!!!

6. This just in; Brett Favre retired again, let's do what we can to keep it that way Brett. Cripes.

Until next time, I'll leave you with what you know is coming. And, this is dedicated to A-rod and all the other athletes out there getting "juicy":

"Now I'm in the limelight, cuz I rhyme tight. Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade..." AND, because it's so classic, enjoy the video...

Out like Fred Taylor after 11 great years with the Jags...


Friday, February 13, 2009

It's a hard knock life...

The truth of it all is that it really is a "hard knock life". It is cliche, but the thing about many cliches is, that they are cliche for a reason and my example is no different. Life isn't easy and it can get you down from all angles. This is one reason I am sure that the Big Guy up stairs provided for minds to create things like sports and entertainment. You all know my affinity for sports is next to none, but don't discount some other form of entertainment from catching your eye and ear every now and then.

Tonight I saw "Annie" at the Orpheum theater here in Minneapolis. Now for those that know me, you all know I love the movie "Annie". It all started because my sister's name is Anne so I've been watching it since I was young, and I enjoy the show and music. I enjoy going to a musical or play whenever possible, and this was a great show. Here's the part that makes it a little more interesting. I had a date. It may be nothing more than that, but regardless, the first date I had with this girl was Friday the 13th on the weekend of Valentine's day and I took her to see "Annie". My man Akon says in a song with Rick Ross, "....don't cross that line, hoping you don't cross that line...". First date on Valentine's weekend is pretty close to crossing that line, but it wasn't like that. I mean don't get me wrong I definitely pulled the "yawn and stretch" move to put my arm around her and I was definitely making out during intermission, but I mean I'm not the type of guy to kiss and tell so.............................

Alright, I was kidding about that last part, it was a cool night, cool show, but nothing to run home and write in your blog at 1:54am. (clear throat). But that brings me to my next topic. What is the right move on the first date? And I'm asking because it usually comes down to the guy and what he decides to do. Now, the obvious answer is "it depends". Well, no kidding. Obviously, if you're both bombed and still hanging out at 1am, you're either making out at the bar on the dance floor with "Ain't no fun" blasting from the DJ booth, or getting a cab back to the chosen destination for some heavy petting. And on the contrary, you can just tell when it's "junk yard dog" and not going anywhere. That's one of those times when you're thinking as fast as you can how you can excuse yourself to go home and leave by saying, "I'll call you tomorrow, sorry, but I gotta go" Ahhh, yeah, what I actually meant was, "I'm leaving, this sucks, you are janky, and I'm doing the opposite of calling you tomorrow." What I'm actually wondering about is; if the night's good, the vibe is cool, nobody's trashed, and the night is ending at her doorstep or sidewalk...what do you do?

Let me tell you what I did, and we can see if you agree. Or if nobody's reading this, then I'll just pretend this is my journal entry but posted on the world wide web for everyone to read. We talked for a bit and said it would be fun to hang out again. It seemed genuine, so we hugged and the kiss was touching parts of lips but kind of on the cheek too. So, it wasn't a totally innocent cheek kiss, but it wasn't lip locking either. I gotta say I just didn't know so I stayed on the side of caution, which I think is completely due to the fact that I wasn't drunk. She wasn't too bad either so I don't think it was a bad move. It could have been the perfect move, or it could have been not enough, you just never know. Check that, you usually end up knowing if you hang out again or not, so I guess we'll see. So, what does everyone think? What would you have done? I will accept real answers or totally out of line obnoxious answers as well. We like directed, funny nonsense here. If anyone has anything to say about this topic or any unrelated interesting topic to share with The KValley Report, feel free to email me at

For all my advocates of "Take your boyfriend to a sporting event he wants to go to, day", you'll be glad to know, I didn't buy any flowers, cards, jewelry, or candy...that would have definitely crossed the line for a first date, not to mention the principle of not falling for the V-day curse. Speaking of V-day, gentlemen, PLEASE remember what a friend of yours and mine, Lil Wayne, stated in a recent billboard hit:

"Safe sex is great sex, you better wear a latex, cuz you don't want that late text, that 'I think I'm late' text... so wrap it up"

-Out like the sun at night....but it's coming out tomorrow, just ask Annie........

Annie, bringing it...

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Good morning Valley, I'm getting ready for work and I feel like this just happened to me.

Shout out to Petey for forwarding this theatrical masterpiece to me, cheers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Valley...and the other looming V.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all six of you to "The KValley Report". You won't regret it, and if for some fart-knuckle reason you do, just wait until you see the "Truman" video before making a final decision. For real, I'm happy to be here and I look forward to lots of fun, plenty of knowledge being dropped, and random nonsense a-plenty.

First, if you wondering why the name looks funny and hard to pronounce, let me help you. It's the KValley Report, pronounced "Valley Report". Yes, the K is silent, let me explain. My best friends and I have been hanging out and playing basketball in this small area of a small town called Knopp Valley, pronounced "Nop Valley" a few of us grew up there and we all used to just go and play some ball at the park. Those are the basic origins. There is plenty more and we'll cover that at a later date. I was raised by two families, my immediate and my Knopp Valley families. Most of what you read here is a product of many amazing people from both those families, lots you'll get to know and some you won't cuz they're skinny and afraid. But, I digress. We are comprised of different political views, different shapes and sizes, different favorite Sopranos characters, and lots of the same ex-girlfriends. It's safe to say, we run things in an underground sort of fashion. I mean, it's not like we make real decisions about stuff or lobby for any office, but we run it, ya dig?? And on that note, I'll talk about a pressing subject, one that will resonate with each and every one of you...

Valentine's Day
Now, the state of the economy is bad, and for some it's terrible. I currently work in a bankruptcy law firm, and I can tell you first hand that it's ugly out there. I'm talking about no jobs, 3 kids, selling tools and giving plasma ugly. But, these women still want their jewelry and candy don't they. Or even if they don't, Jared, Kay, and Zales is sure making them out to be some gold diggers anyway and I'm sick of it. I know there are some ladies out there that hate Valentine's day too, I hear you, and I want to start a movement. I have a dream today........Okay sorry, I get emotional at times. I just think it's garbage. I know it's a corporate holiday, totally schemed by the Hallmark's of the world, and it's their fault. NO!! Don't fall for that crap people. It's just another day in the middle of the most miserable winter month north of the Mason-Dixon line. But here's the kicker, gentlemen. Even if your sweetie agrees with you and puts down V-day, you know darn well that if you don't do anything you're booty is in TROU-BLE. It's a lose-lose situation. And I don't even want to hear about getting some action makes it all worth it. Two reasons; this is a family blog (i think), AND you pay for hookers too. (Swallow all of that last sentence first before moving on please) Okay. Basically, I'm saying that it's like staying in Vietnam, you're not winning and you're not going to win. Valentines day is here to stay, as horrible is that is, it's the truth.

I'm all about equality, big advocate here. Civil rights, Title IX, Bowl Championship Series (cough), and even letting the NHL be on TV again. So, I have a proposal. Valentine's Day stays put and another holiday is instituted called "Take your boyfriend to a sporting event he wants to go to...Day" What? You think that's a bit long and doesn't have the same ring as Valentine's Day? Well, abbreviate it however you want, you get the point. I don't care if we have to wear pink and hearts to the game, you won't have one problem getting me and every self respecting man I know to the game. Now, i have a feeling people may be smiling at this point thinking I'm crazy. Well, perhaps, but that's for a Dr. to decide, and my Dr.'s not available because HE'S AT THE GAME!!! I'm dead serious. I want t-shirts, billboards, video ads above the urinals at the bars, talking about "TYBTASEHWTGT" Day. I mean ladies, do you know that we would do whatever you wanted for like two weeks on either side of this holiday if it existed? Whatever, I know that no ladies are reading this, I'm just saying. I think this is fair, I am a fair person, and darn it we want a day we get excited about too. That's about all I have to say about it, but I'm hoping that my idea catches on some and we can build some momentum. If not, that's junk, and I wish everyone a happy Valentines Day, and I hope you're thinking about how kick butt "TYBTASEHWTGT" Day would be if it existed. Seriously, dugout seats at Wrigley, bars and beers everywhere you turn, and...alright I'm done, but think about it, seriously. Anyway, I meant to put some Valentines pics up, but I haven't figured out how to work this thing yet, so I'm sorry. I'm blowing kisses to everyone...I promise.


Now, I'll leave you with what I feel will be a staple of this blog and should be a staple of everyone's lives, great lyrics from music that shapes who we are and how we live.

In the Valentine's Spirit.....

"Approach you women with a passion, it's been a long day, but I've been driven by attraction in a strong way. You're body is banging baby, I love it when you flaunt it, time to give it to daddy baby now tell me how you want it." ~Tupac Shakur

Out like A-rod's little secret,
