Friday, March 4, 2011

March on

Daps and hugs Valley, I hope all is awesome where you're at. It's March, and that means madness. College hoops, snow melting, and apparently union workers and their employers not getting along. I just want to start this whole thing off by pointing out that I have opinions, like everyone else. You may or may not agree with my opinions, but I always try to figure out the crux of the issue before having an opinion. You may say to yourself, "Yeah, I do that too", and I would say if you're ever any of the people I see posting comments on pages all over sports, news, and Facebook pages, you generally DO NOT. I hope and believe that the fine men and women that read this page are part of the 1% of people who are reasonable and logical, but in the end I know that's not the case since 99% of the people do not embrace those ideas. Where did I come up with that ratio? No need to worry about it, as a reasonable, logical fella, that always tries to make sure things are right, I had a talk with my good buddy Scott and we figured it out. Forget about it, the numbers are accurate. Let's move on.

I've heard a few times in the past couple weeks an argument trying to belittle the NFL Players union while defending teacher's unions due to the ongoing labor unrest in Wisconsin and in the NFL. At first I didn't really understand the turmoil in WI, I figured, "Okay, more teachers going on strike because they're mad about their pay and what not". Then I started reading and understanding and (here's the big one) applying what I understand to the way I interpret the real world. I feel that is fair, it's how I come to opinions. It's logical. It's not which way the Democrats think or along the line of the Republican philosophy. It's not rich or poor, big market small market, it's FRICKEN reasonable! And here's my reasonable and logical response regarding unions:

NFL union = good. Teachers unions = bad. Now I'll explain my thoughts. I have a lot of teacher friends, my mother is a retired high school teacher, my father is a college professor, and I value education a lot. Check that, I value good education. Oh yeah, and I voted for Obama. However, collectively bargaining for the taxpayer's money is not comparable to collectively bargaining because you are the product. The NFL players are directly responsible for generating NFL's revenue. Teachers unions collectively bargain for taxpayer money. And not just in salaries, the biggest costs are pensions and benefits. In many cases much better benefits and pensions than the average taxpayer. A buddy of mine told me that the average teacher in his district makes $60K. That's a pretty good living for working 9 months of the year. Yet, they threaten to walk out on the kids, the reason they do what they do, the future of our country because they can't squeeze their already broke state out of every benefit possible.

I tell you what, I'm all for doubling the salaries of teachers, good teachers. I would LOVE that as long as we got to fire the bad ones like every other job most every one of us works. Our education system is not even close to the best in the world right now, and I would be 100% for rewarding the teachers that helped pick us back up. It's called production. Instead of worrying about where to send crappy teachers where they can just sit around all day and not screw any kids up, we could focus on finding teachers to kick ass. But, even doubling salaries wouldn't put them on the same scale as the average NFL football player, I understand that. But, these NFL careers we're talking about average 3.5 years, contracts don't even need to be fully honored, and they ARE the best in the world at what they do. Their bosses are not states with budget deficits, their bosses are billionaires. A union is necessary and fair when trying to bargain for the money they earned, literally.

People, there is little to compare. They are completely different animals. One job is much more important to our country's fabric and perhaps teachers are underpaid, but that's in part because of all the crap they're pulling along and paying because of the union. Lastly, let's remember why the players in the NFL get paid so much...because we pay them. Not with our tax money, but by choice with our hard earned money. We choose to buy merchandise, tickets, and nachos at the game. We could solve this real quick. Everybody put their money in savings and stop going to games. if nobody filled the stadiums they wouldn't be paid very much, that I promise. AND, everyone would have less to bitch about because they would have saved a lot more money. how does that sound?

From a business perspective I'll now explain why the NFL would be idiots to lock out the players. Today's consumer has a lot of choices, more choices than ever before from a sports and recreation standpoint. They do not want to lose their seat on the throne, but their unwillingness to be transparent shows a lack of good faith in their negotiations. Then we find out how they've been planning this for the last 2 years all the while extorting TV networks for a "war chest" of money to protect against lost revenue during work stoppage...the work stoppage provision. Thank God for Judge Doty and his 8th Circuit ruling the the case and that matters of NFL CBA fall under his jurisdiction. That ruling a couple days back finding that the league did not act in good faith may pave the way to an agreement. For all of those whining about millionaires wanting more money, take some time to understand what you're yapping about. The players are going to take a large pay cut. Under the recently expired CBA the players were getting approx 60% of the total revenue, and in the owners most recent proposal they offered 42% to the players. You'd be angry too if you were asked to take a pay cut of close to 20%. Then you found out that your bosses were making more money than any professional sport organization in the country. It is a lot different than walking out of your job because you can't bargain for better benefits and packages than the people paying for them...the same people and state with a multi-billion dollar deficit.

Come on, let's be reasonable. And for all those teachers out there teaching, do work. You only get 9 months a year in this country to do it, so make it count PLEASE!

NFL, you guys make a lot of money to play a sweet game. I know there are a lot of serious issues to work through, but just do it and play so people can keep wasting their money on your jerseys.

And for my newest addition to the blog I'm going to add places I'm going to eat or have eaten recently. Since I live in Chicago, one of the best restaurant cities in the country, I feel a sense of duty. Tonight, I'm going on a date with my hunny to:

Out like me on the town...


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