Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"The (bullet riddled) Vest"

I wanted to wait a bit before posting again, but I just could help talking about THIS

In some way, "I told you so" doesn't quite do it justice. Perhaps, "He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones"? Eh, I don't know, not quite. You know what does work? An old Japanese proverb, "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." Or, wait wait, I got another one by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "It takes less time to do the right thing than to explain why you did it wrong." You know where I got those last two quotes? Jim Tressel. (Pause)...(Smile)...You have got to be kidding me. I mean could it get any more terrible for one's reputation? Yes, actually it can, you can take your institutions reputation, throw it on the ground and burn it. Unfortunately for "The Vest" he did that too. And OSU is currently helping burn it's own reputation, so I don't feel one ounce of bad for them

Let me preface this with a small fun fact. I met Jim Tressel last winter during the recruiting of Seantrel Henderson in St. Paul. Coach Tress was at a local St. Paul establishment, Plums. Our staff was having a small lunch there and he was eating with his family (He's got family in the St. Paul area). He came over to our table after finding out who we were, and spoke for a while with us. He was cordial, he offered any of us younger coaches to come and coach at his camp, and dropped off this odd, kind of self serving informational card of himself and his career at OSU (which we all thought was weird). He knew all about the area and it's D3 football. He was very well put together and organized. Come to think about it, kind of like Tiger Woods was percieved prior to "hooker-gate". And, just like with Tiger Woods' reputation and career, it's all about to come tumbling down. He was able to get people to forget about being uncooperative with the NCAA while at Youngstown State. He swept the Maurice Clarett cheating scandal under the rug. He continued to preach "morality" and "doing the right thing". All the while staring down into the proverbial fire these "moral midwesterners" think the SEC and FSU, and USC, and Miami sit. On behalf of all those fans who really feel like saying it themselves, "Go Scratch"!

It takes some cajones, and perhaps more accurately losing touch with reality, to be as blatantly hypocritical as Coach Tress was last year...and for several years let's be honest. And let's blast OSU for a quick minute here. Their response is to suspend the coach for the first two games against Akron and Toledo...seriously? Oh wait, I forgot he gets fined $250K. He makes $3.5 million per year. That's a 7% pay cut. Is anyone laughing? Is this a joke? The players he tried to cover up for got 5 games by the NCAA and OSU thinks 2 games is appropriate? When asked if the coach may be fired the President of the University said, and I quote, "No, are you kidding me?" Gee said. "Let me be very clear. I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me."(, 2011). Way to take control Mr. Gee. Actually, thanks for the transparency for at least we now know who is running the show at OSU. Was there ever a doubt? The worst part was it was so light hearted, as if the question was invalid. Just disgusting. I can't stand the NCAA, but in this case I certainly can't wait for them to bring the hammer down on this charade.

As a Seminole, I've heard so many people over the years belittle their accomplishments. Sports Illustrated came out with a cover that included a FSU helmet and the title, "Tainted title" after the 1993 championship. That was regarding the story about several players getting free shoes from a local foot locker. It wasn't because the Head Football Coach knew, failed to act, lied, and covered up the whole story. When Coach Bowden got wins vacated while he was in the running for more wins than any D1 coach ever, it was because athletes from several sports cheated including football players. Coaches didn't know about it, and when they did they blew the whistle. I understand there are things out there that make that job EXTREMELY difficult, and often things happen out of your control that you need to take a whipping for. There are several underprivileged kids that feel they are invincible and look to get whatever they can. It's a tough situation, I get it. But guess what Valley? Allow me to piggy back on Colin Cowherd's assessment here, people who get paid $3.5 million a year are paid to manage difficult situations. they make that much money because of their ability to handle tough issues and make tough decisions. The oddest part is that Tressel didn't have a tough job to do in this case. Sure he risked losing players that were critical to his team's chances, and clearly Coach Tressel sold his soul, but all he had to do was take a trip over to compliance and inform them of the email he received from an attorney. Forward the email, and get that crap off your desk so you can continue coaching football. This is an explosion, and finally the masses know what I've known for a while: Screw your waspy institutional attitudes, they're all cheating. As a former athlete at the aforementioned Florida State University, I've seen the type of training and teaching that goes on to make sure administrators, tutors and athletes are all in compliance, but as recent as 3 years ago they were all cheating in classes. Poop happens, but when your head man is the source of the cheating, you better be ready to take the lashes. OSU, get ready for your lashes, because they are coming, you can bet that token penalty handed down won't stand.

I don't know the man past a small talk conversation, but I know this. He had the information and he lied. He did the wrong thing and now will find out EXACTLY what Longfellow meant, Rather than forward the quote to whoever helps him write his "comeback" book I suggest he internalizes his favorite quote and asks himself if there's any chance AT ALL that Yahoo! Sports could come and throw his nonsense out on the public street.

Valley, I'm done with that but had to get it off my vest...excuse me, chest :) On a brighter and cooler note I have a sweet video and story about a D3 hooper from Illinois College. He made a video to try and get into the NCAA Dunk Contest this year. His name is Jacob Tucker, and if you haven't heard about this youtube sensation, you have now. A couple more fact about this dude...he's white, 5'11", and has a 50 inch vertical jump.......yeah 50.

And lastly, like I promised last time, I'll share with you another Chicago Gem for food. it is D'agostinos Pizza. There are three of them around the city and it is very good pizza. lots of other food as well but the thincrust pizza is my favorite...EXCEPT FOR the "Cookie in a bowl" It is a giant chocolate chip cookie that you microwave for 90 seconds. Then put the ice cream they give you on top and pour the fudge and caramel sauce on top of that. It is about 1500 calories of absolute heaven!!

Out like that busted ass VEST


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