Monday, February 14, 2011

Be My Valentine!!

Well hello Valley! I'm so in love to be back with you all on this gorgeous 37 degree AND partly sunny Chicago day! It's the softest, most mushy, completely orchestrated love day of the year...lets celebrate! So, in that spirit, let me orchestrate something halfway as awesome as that big kiss you'll get after you hand her that heart shaped candy box tonight...

1. I love that St. Patty's day is less than a month away. Do I really need to elaborate on this? I live in Chicago, it is arguably the baddest St. Patty's day celebration (weekend before) in the world, I'm Irish (among other things), and I get to join the Maxim's party downtown in the loop with some of the coolest people around.

2. I love that Florida State had the #1 recruiting class in the nation this year. Of course it is subjective, and it doesn't necessarily mean those top ranked kids will translate, pass their classes, or stay out of jail, but it a sign. It's a sign that FSU is getting back to where it should be...the top. In all I've read about the program since Coach Bowden, I've been impressed. For as much as we Seminoles love Coach Bowden and what he did at FSU, the fact is he lost his ability to run a successful program. Or, at the very least, he couldn't figure out how to keep his program evolving with the times. He didn't coordinate, he didn't hire quality coordinators when he lost others, and he lost his elite status as a recruiter. Add the continuous off field issues, including the academic cheating scandal that led him to lose several wins from his record, and it was time to go. Seminole fans are spoiled, I get it. We've never really struggled from the time FSU hit the big time. This was the first rough patch, and I believe the 10 win season mixed with the #1 recruiting class shows that the 'Noles are back on the warpath. We shall certainly see just how far they've come early next year as the Sooners head over to Tallahassee for a little rematch from 2010's disaster. Go 'Noles!

3. I love red wine, a lot. XOXO

4. I love that I don't have food poisoning today, because yesterday I certainly did. For those that have had it, it's 24 hours of misery. A good piece of advice I got is to drink water one drink at a time so you can keep it down. Too much at once means you're fixin' to see that water again soon on the way back up. But you know, at one point yesterday I was laying on the couch and I was thinking, what if I had to actually do something active today? I mean, I did walk to the grocery and back, but I mean actually active. I was thinking specifically like Game 5 of the NBA finals. You owe it to yourself to watch this video, I don't care how many times you've seen the highlights. Most that know me would agree that I'm about as competitive as they come, but then I watch this, and my lord. A guy with all the talent is special, we see a lot of them. But you add the mental toughness and the heart that MJ had, and it is nothing but inspiring to watch and remember...

5. I love that The NFL and the NFLPA negotiate so effectively...or, actually I meant I don't love that. The NFL just filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) today asserting that the NFLPA is stalling and not trying to reach a deal so it can decertify as a union and file an antitrust lawsuit. Okay, I get it, finding legal loopholes to get everything you can. And if you're a nobody, with no money and nothing to lose, I may even agree with that tactic. The problem here is that there is a solution. There are approx 9 billion in revenues each year in the NFL. There enough wiggle room there to get a damn deal done. Each side have exhibited major flaws, in my opinion. While I do not like DeMaurice Smith as a leader for the Union, I do think he has the most valid argument. He has said the players are willing to negotiate and give if it is needed to help the league, and has asked to see the NFL owners' financial books. Transparency seems to be a term en vogue these days with our country's recent economic issues. I think it's fair to ask to see that. The problem is if those records become public and we all see how much money those billionaire owners are trying to hoard, they lose big time in the court of public opinion, and lose leverage in negotiations. Either way, if all of this is posturing to get the best deal on each side, I'm fine with that. But the outlook is getting worse and worse even from some of the more optimistic media outlets. It would be an absolute ridiculous blunder to not come to an agreement.

6. Lastly, I love that I get to spend this Valentine's day with my beautiful girlfriend Adrienne. it is going to be a splendid dinner at our place tonight. I don't mean to rub it in for those of you that are feeling the relationship blues, so I have some love to pass to you too. And this is something you could probably use to woo your next would be lover, so listen up. It's called pulled pork. And, below is the easiest recipe on earth:

-2 lb pork tenderloin
-12 oz bottle of root beer
-18 oz bottle of your favorite bbq sauce.

*Put the pork in the slow cooker, pour the root beer over the pork, and turn the cooker to low. Cook 6 hours, strain, and pull the pork apart, it should just fall a part. add the bbq sauce and put back in the cooker on low for about an hour...taste test until you're in love with it, put it on a bun, eat it with some coleslaw, or just use it as finger food, it's all good.

And now, I'll leave you with this youtube beauty, Happy Valentine's Day, Valley!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Back like Jordan wearing the 4-5...

Valley. Let me take this opportunity to say that my 2 year(ish) hiatus is over. I don't have any excuses other than the usual: I was busy, writers block, my dog died (I don't have a dog, but Michael Vick did). But in the end actually the beginning, I've come back. I've moved back to Chicago with a new resume and some new ammo ready to get into all kinds of mess. I'm Currently working to find a spot to call my job, collecting wine, and hoping Adrienne decides where to put the artwork around the apartment because I'm sick of it sitting on the floor! Things are good and only getting better. I'm going to get back to the roots and talk about the sports we love and how it/they make me feel.

All me to reintroduce my self my name is McQuillan.....

Gimme some love Valley, holler at you soon....