Friday, August 14, 2009

Speed Dating Vol. 2

Sorry for the delay, things are getting a bit busy as football season begins to get cranked up over at UST, Go Tommies!! But I do have the conclusion to our speed dating Q & A with our great friends Dave and Ryan. So please, enjoy.

Highlights of dates (From Dave):
One thing you will realize real quick from date to date is that you are constantly saying the same thing. It's a lot of that fake, small talk conversation. Where you from, what do you do etc. I would say all 9 dates that I went on were pretty much the same thing. However, two of the dates stood out more than others.....

1. It was date 4 or 5 for me and the usual small talk was in full force. Back and forth questions etc. I just happened to notice though, while I was talking she was drawing/doodling! Yes, she was using the piece of paper we were suppose to use to mark "yes or no" for balloon drawings. She was drawing balloons. Honestly, in the middle of this date I was thinking in my head "this can't be happening" am I that boring? So my thought of this girl was that she sucks. Of course, right when I start to think that, she blindsides me with this question. "My friends and I just started watching this new show called "Dexter", have you seen it?" Little did she know that Dexter currently ranks #1 in my list of Top Shows. My roommates and I have spent countless nights watching Dexter and imitating a lot of his actions! So, needless to say I was excited and talked the rest of the time about how awesome that show was. At the end of the day I still checked "NO" for two reasons. 1 She went to Ohio State and I HATE OHIO STATE. I am a HUGE Michigan fan so immediately she is out. 2. I couldn't get over the balloon issue......

2. This was my last date. I knew this date wasn't going to be fun when I asked the girl where she worked. Here is how the conversation went

Dave engaging in small talk "So where do you work?"
I forgot her name so we will call her Mollie "I work at a marketing company in Scottsdale"
Dave: "Cool, What company?"
Mollie: "I can't tell you that, you might be a stalker"
Dave: "Oh, ok??"

I was completely caught off guard. I never thought I put out that stalker vibe so this caught me by surprise. She went on to say that she didn't even want to be there and her friends dragged her out! After hearing all of this I didn't even know what to say because she was pissed off at life.

About a minute later the head of the speed dating event came around and wanted to take our picture and she immediately said "NO". In fact it was very rude and the guy didn't know what to say. (I actually wanted to take a picture so he could put that up on the website). Overall, this girl was cold. She was the worse date I had (the Dexter girl scored higher just because she likes Dexter).

On a side note, during Ryan's speed date with "Mollie" he gave her a high five!! I saw it!!!

Summary (From Ryan):
All in all, I'd say that speed dating was probably worth the $40....but just barely, and only because it was a new experience and because I was able to go with a trusted KV comrade. There just wasn't a lot of talent there for us to get too excited about. I'm always down for meeting new people and trying new things, so that was reason enough for us to go, but I doubt that I'd ever do it again.

I would definitely recommend doing it at least once for everyone. After that, you can make your own call. Some people, like most of the other guys that were there, are looking for hard-core love, and, for them, I say "crank it up, dudes". I mean, honestly, Dave was SOOOO much hotter than every single girl there, that we immediately knew that he would not find any of them worth a second look. Not that looks are everything, but they're definitely something, right???

There is a little more to this story. After we left the event, we knew that we were going to get a call from the moderator to tell us who we matched up with. The problem with that was that neither Dave nor I indicated that we were interested in any of the girls, so we weren't expecting a call at all. But, the moderator, who also happened to be the owner of the whole enterprise, called both of us to confirm that we didn't have any interest in anyone!!! I assured him that yes, that was correct. I then asked him if he could tell us how many people were interested in us, and, if so, who were they? He said to me "Oooooh, and Dave were popular guys!" And, although, he wasn't supposed to tell me this, he paged through the girls' evaluations, and he counted 6 girls that were interested in me, and he said that at least that number were interested in Dave. Yikes!

In conclusion, I just want to say that all the girls there were fine, personality-wise. They all were nice people. Some were, in fact, very interesting and were very good conversationalists. I wanted to say that because I feel bad about talking about their physical appearances like I did earlier!

God bless you, Matt Juaire. And God bless the Valley!

Ryan "Mr. Latenight" Peterson

Boys, Thank you very much for participating. This was very fun for me to moderate, and I had a bunch of good laughs. Obviously, it helps that I know you guys, but I think for everyone this is a fun and interesting read. I hope the Valley enjoyed the conversation.

*I will be posting my preseason report of out University of St. Thomas football team tomorrow night. Our kids report to camp this Sunday, 2 days from now, and I hope that you will all follow our season. This will be my first year coaching and we have a great team coming back. We were preseason ranked #8, #17, and #22 in 3 different and respected polls. It is the first time Tommie football has received this recognition in a long time, if not ever. If you are in the Twin Cities area, please come by for a game. You can find our schedule HERE Of course I will keep you updated on our season as well as the fun randomness that you visit this page for. Cheers.

Out like my summer